TIP: Password protect your purchases through Google Play

In the wake of news that Google is facing a class-action lawsuit due to unauthorised charges accumulated through in-app purchases without parents permission, here’s a little tip to help you prevent against unwanted costs. The lawsuit has been filed against Google in the US District Court for the Northern District of California by a New York resident, Llana Imber-Gluck, whose child spent $68.95 on the Marvel Run Jump Smash! game without her permission.
You can help avoid such a situation by password protecting your Google Play in order to prevent unauthorised purchases.
  1. Open the Google Play Store app.
  2. Touch Menu > Settings (depending on your device, your Menu icon may look different).
  3. Under “User controls,” check the box next to Password – Use password to restrict purchases.
  4. Enter your password when prompted.
After checking the Password box, you will be asked to enter your password before making the next purchase on Google Play. After signing in to your account, you will be able to make purchases on Google Play for 30 minutes without having to re-enter your password. After the 30 minutes has expired, you’ll have to re-authenticate by entering your Google account password.
Taking necessary steps to prevent transactions from being carried out with your consent will help protect against any unexpected charges arising from purchases on your account, especially on a shared device.

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